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Making a Claim

It is said that insurance policies are only as good as the claims service support. When you make a claim, you will realise the value that your policy provides. One of the key benefits of our holiday home insurance policy is our dedicated claims service. We aim to make the whole claims process as stress free as possible, with a speedy settlement. Help and advice is only a phone call away.

If you need to make a claim

In the event that you need to make a claim please follow the procedure outlined below and have your policy number to hand. Further details on how to make a claim are also outlined in the policy wording.

  • Give immediate notice to the Police in respect of any theft, attempted theft, malicious damage or vandalism and obtain an incident number.
  • Contact the claims handlers who manage claims on behalf of your insurers as soon as reasonably possible quoting your policy number. Your claim will be registered and you will be told what to do next.

To make a claim, please contact:

RELA Limited
Telephone: 08081 756291
Email: schofieldsclaims@relaltd.com

Claims in writing should be directed to:

RELA Limited
Unit 7, Bocam Park
Old Field Road
CF35 5LJ

RELA handle claims on behalf of your insurers.

Professional staff are available to assist you whether you need a claim form, advice on emergency repairs or any other aspect of your claim.

How to prevent burst pipes and what to do when pipes freeze or burst

Most claims that occur at holiday homes are caused by water damage, either a burst pipe, ingress of water due to storm damage to the roof, or flooding. Since the insurance policy covers loss of rental income, it is in the Underwriters interest to effect repairs quickly, thereby reducing the loss of income claim.

There are several precautions that holiday homeowners can take to prevent burst pipes during unoccupancy - from draining the water and heating system to leaving your heating on. Having a key holder check your property regularly can also reduce the extent of damage caused. This advice on what to do when pipes freeze or burst should also help.

Don't neglect your property - as a policyholder you have a responsibility to take due care and reasonable steps to prevent loss or damage.

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